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哥倫比亞|天堂92莊園 甜蘋果批 雙重厭氧水洗 淺焙|咖啡豆


哥倫比亞 考卡 天堂92莊園 甜蘋果批 雙重厭氧水洗

國家  哥倫比亞
產區  Piendamó, Cauca
海拔  1,950-2,100M
莊園  天堂92 莊園(Finca Granja Paraiso 92)
生產者 Wilton Benitez
處理法 雙重厭氧水洗


Wilton Benitez of Granja Paraíso 92, the inventor of Thermal Shock
In 2019 his coffee set a new record for the international auction price of Colombian coffee. Since then, his coffees are making a big splash worldwide. His farm now accounts more than thirty awards and prizes in specialty coffee. For instance, in 2022 his Orange Bourbon won two gold medal at the Australian Coffee Awards, namely for Best Single-origin Espresso and for Best Micro Lot (2022 Results of the Australian International Coffee Awards)

Coffee producer. Innovator. Chemist. Alchemist by hobbie. Visionary. Roaster. Q processor. Non-certified cupper. The brain behind the world-known process Thermal Shock is not only the pioneer of applying this technique into coffee processing, but he is also one of the most forward looking minds in Colombian coffee.

The tireless Wilton can be found competing in an aeropress festival, growing bacterias at his laboratory or cupping in a national competition.

A one-of-a-kind coffee experience that blows everyone away. Not a coincidence some folks get trapped into the dark side of coffee after trying Granja Paraiso 92’s coffees.

Wilton’s coffees are characterised by an hyper-focused, vivid and subtle explosion of flavours that get everyone’s perplexed and excited about how coffee can taste. The coffee experience he brings to the table is supported by years of experience, research and a devotion that only true innovators have.

The coffee beans produced by Wilton seem to rescue all the aromas of the fruits and flowers of the diverse, volcanic and tropical region of Cauca. More than transforming coffee, Wilton creates unique coffee beans that have the capacity to bring out the full genetic potential of each plant.

Every day, new microorganisms are studied meticulously in his laboratory so he can keep pushing the boundaries of what is possible and makes everyone able to feel an explosion of happiness, the kind of happiness that we all need from time to time in life, the kind that is simple and profound around a cup of coffee.

Granja Paraiso 92, one of the most innovative and forward looking farms in Colombia

Located in the area of Piendamó, Cauca, Colombia at an altitude between 1700 and 1900 masl, Granja Paraiso 92 is a family farm that uses highly innovative farming systems such as terraces, drip irrigation, shading and laboratory nutrition count aimed to produce a unique coffee. Granja Paraiso 92 has a processing plant, a microbiology lab and a quality lab.

With more than 26+ years being a coffee grower and 16+ years of experience with specialty coffee, Wilton is able to produce coffees through different processes such as Washed, Natural, Honey as well Anaerobic coffees (both single and double fermentation).

With a lifetime of experience in the cupping, growing and production of specialty coffees, having the chance to chat with Wilton is an opportunity not to be missed!

